
Entries from 2013-04-01 to 1 month

Tips for Vagrantfile of nfs_settings

Good way to use nfs or not, this is from discourse's Vagrantfile nfs_setting = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", id: "vagrant-root", :nfs => nfs_setting

We have lots of workshops in our company.

In our company (paperboy&co.), we have lots of workshops or semminars everyday. One of them is "Association to the interpretation in English with everyone". It's held during lunch time. First we pronounce, and translate the given part. The…

Proc and ===

even = ->(x) { (x % 2) == 0 } # we can use Proc#call even.call(2) even.call(3) # also available to use ===, instead of using Proc#call even === 2 even === 3 # we can use === in case statement as well. fizzbuzz = ->(x) { (x % 3) == 0 && (x …

Misunderstanding about the configuration of of znc

I love znc, A irc bouncer. Today, i introduce znc to younger colleague. Then i realized i was wrong to configure of znc. When we $ znc --makeconf, it generates .znc/configs/znc.conf. It's something like this. <User freenode> Pass = sha256#foobarfoobarfoo</user>…

Webistrano settings for lazy assets:precompile (if assets are not changed, don't invoke rake assets:precompile)

1, install capistrano-lazy-assets in webistrano environment. 2, add recipe at webistrano load 'deploy/assets' require 'capistrano-lazy-assets' 3, deploy_via by remote_cache deploy_via :remote_cache repository_cache cached-copy That's it. i…

Released fluent-plugin-filter_keys #fluentd

fluent-plugin-filter_keys has been released. https://github.com/banyan/fluent-plugin-filter_keys Some of the plugin assumes the key is always exists, so this plugin help to check if the given key is exists in the event log. <match test.**> type filter_ke</match>…